January 2016. In an ever changing operational context, the 2015 version of the FT-03 aims to offer readers engaged in overseas operations or those on the national territory  with an up-to-date  and clear  understanding of the interplay between their own roles and those of all the other stakeholders involved.

Read the full document: FT-03 - Employment of Land Forces in Joint Operations


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FT-03 is the fundamental document  of French Army doctrine, at the crossroads between recent documents (2013 White Paper,  the Concept for Military Operations, the Doctrine on the Employment of Armed Forces) and the entire doctrinal corpus of land forces necessary for developing combined arms maneuver. It outlines the action of land forces in a most often multinational and interagency joint  operational environment.


Table of contents



CHAPTER 1 - Tactical engagement of land forces in a complex and changing environment

1.1  Ensuring operational coherence in all contexts
1.2  Exercising pressure on the adversary until contact in a complex air-land space

CHAPTER 2 - Integrating land forces into a joint operation

2.1 Principles for engagement of joint force components
2.2 Synergy between Joint Force components
2.3 Integrating a Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC) into joint operations

CHAPTER 3 - The land forces in crisis settlement

3.1 National and multinational expeditionary operations
3.2 Commitment on the national territory



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